
Interpreting the Star Plot

Interpreting the Star Plot

The Star Plot is a way to look at some important parts of your diet in one place.

There are 8 different scores put together on this graph:

  1. How many of your grains are whole grains (whole grains provide more fibre and provide some other advantages - more is usually better)

  2. How many of your foods are not processed (processed foods often include more sugars or may be fried for example - less is usually better)

  3. How much of your foods are plant-based (plant based foods may offer a number of health advantages, and often are better for the environment compared to animal-based foods - there is no real target here - find the right balance for you)

  4. How much of your protein comes from sources that are not red meat like beef or pork (reducing red meat can have a number of health and environmental advantages - less is usually better but some may still be right for you)

  5. Did you meet your daily fibre target (fibre has a number of health advantages, and often higher quality foods have more fibre in them so meeting your daily fibre target as much as possible is the goal)

  6. How many servings of vegetables did you eat

  7. How many servings of fruit did you eat

  8. Did you eat more healthy fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated) compared to less healthy fats like saturated and trans fats. This number is calculated by dividing the percentage of healthy fats by the percentage of unhealthy fats.

The higher your diet score in each area, the longer the line. When you connect the lines you will get a star.