Obesity Program - Part 1

Purpose: this program is meant to help you make lifestyle changes that make you feel better. This could be changing how you eat, how you sleep, your mindset, or how much physical activity you do.

You set the goals and what to focus on!

Why are you doing this?

Activity: Complete this sentence: I want to make or maintain changes to...

Write down WHY you are or planning on making changes.

Write it somewhere you will see often, or share it with someone if you feel comfortable. 

Come back to this often

Here are some motivating stories

Activity: Set some goals (1 or 3 is usually good to start)

Here is a template:

I will [your goal here] by [how you will do the goal]. I will know I am making progress because [how you will measure the goal] for [time goes here].

Make sure you can achieve them. They can be changed in the future.

It can also help to list down all the challenges you are facing and then see how to measure an improvement

Small changes matter!

  • Keeping track of food and calories will help you lose weight, because monitoring will help you become more aware of what you are eating, select healthier foods, and eat fewer calories.

  • Finding time to be active will improve your health and help you maintain your weight loss.

  • Losing 5 percent of initial weight and increasing activity can improve health. Or maintaining weight can be valuable.

  • Everyone is at a different stage or readiness to change. You may be at different stages for different goals.

    It is normal to move along this spectrum, and you may have times when you 'relapse' or go backwards on a change. That is also normal. Keep at it!

    Stages of change:

    Pre-contemplation: There is no intention of taking action.

    What to do? Take some time to read about the benefits. Self explore. Celebrate the new learnings

    Contemplation: There are intentions to take action and a plan to do so in the near future.

    What to do? Take some time to write down why it would benefit you to make that change. Create a pros and cons list. Celebrate taking the first step

    Preparation: There is intention to take action and some steps have been taken.

    What to do? Start working on a plan - when to start, how to do it, what to do when times get tough, the environment or situations that encourage or reduce the behaviour. Celebrate the plan!

    Action: Behavior has been changed for a short period of time. You are making the change.

    What to do? Find someone you can share progress with and troubleshoot. Celebrate little victories

    Maintenance: Behavior has been changed and continues to be maintained for the long-term.

    What to do? Just keep on doing the good work, and again have a support to help. Celebrate success

    Termination: There is no desire to return to prior negative behaviors.

    What to do? Monitor and celebrate success

    Relapse: The behaviour you wanted to change has started again.

    What to do? Don't be hard on yourself. This is ok. Decide where you fall on the spectrum above, and keep in touch with people to help you. There is no rush to restart...take your time

    Reference: https://medicine.llu.edu/academics/resources/stages-change-model (Links to an external site.)

  • DescriptiUse the SMART process:

    S - specific

    M - measurable

    A - achievable

    R - relevant

    T - time-boundon text goes here


    Example SMART goals: https://www.nutriprocan.ca/smart-nutrition-goals/ (Links to an external site.)

    Strategy for setting SMART goals: https://www.healthyforlifemeals.com/blog/smart-goals-for-healthy-eating-and-weight-loss

  • Weight may be much more complicated than we imagine. It is not about eating less and exercising more. Our body is complex and regulates our weight. I cannot predict how lifestyle changes will impact weight, but I know they will impact your life by making you feel better and reducing risk of many medical conditions. We will talk more about this.