Is my data secure?
Absolutely. Your data is secure and stored within our PHIPA/HIPAA compliant server. We do not use your data and we do not sell your data.
I downloaded RxFood, but why am I not able to get in?
At this time, you will need to be prescribed onto RxFood. Please click on “Get Started” to gain access
What are some key tips to make my diagnostic report more accurate?
Always keep in mind that your photos are being analyzed by a computer. Thus, if you take a picture of a wrap, the accuracy of the extracted analytics will not meet its full potential as it does not know its contents. This is the same for your smoothie, and at times, your homemade soups, and others. We have tips for you that are built into RxFood, thus please refer to your onboarding video located within your invitation email.
Is it backed by data & science?
RxFood has, and continues, to be rigorously tested. The accuracy of the technology has been shown to be similar to research grade databases like ESHA. Clinically, after 3 months of use, children with type 1 diabetes managed in a quaternary diabetes centre demonstrated improved ability to CHO count and lower A1c (0.8% improvement compared to the control group]. Plus, CHO counting tests were completed without using the app, signalling learnability. Our reports are based on the latest food guides and strong evidence-based recommendations. And we never stop studying and improving.