RxFood with Dexcom
RxFood transforms meal photos into powerful dietary assessments and recommendations to support diabetes care. Now, RxFood has officially partnered with Dexcom to integrate CGM data with food.
Paired with Dexcom’s CGM, RxFood allows patients to understand how their food affect their glucose, and provides clinicians invaluable insight into diet, nutrition, and glycemic response.

RxFood integrated with Dexcom CGM makes it easy to understand how the food you’re eating affects your glucose.
With just a photo, RxFood’s AI powered technology estimates portion sizes and carbohydrate counts*. Combined with Dexcom’s CGM glucose data, it is easier to track information and see how your glucose changed with different food, activity, and insulin.
RxFood can help reduce patient burden of tracking and provide you with fast and accurate dietary assessments with CGM glucose data overlays to make it easier to see the data you need to guide patients.
RxFood alone has been shown to improve health outcomes for patients managing diabetes.
RxFood supports the quintuple aims of healthcare: better population health, better health outcomes, better clinician experience, better patient experience, and supporting equity.
Focusing on prevention and self-management can improve outcomes and reduce cost.
RxFood can provide pharmacists with access to new nutritional and glycemic response data to power more valuable education sessions and create stronger relationships.
RxFood allows you to provide a unique patient experience, strengthening relationship, providing better care.